23 July 2024


Stratospheric Platforms and Britten Norman Soar to New Heights: Successful Flight Trials Demonstrate 5G Telecommunications from the Sky

Thursday, July 18th, marked a historic milestone for Stratospheric Platforms Ltd (SPL) as we completed successful flight trials, demonstrating our groundbreaking capabilities in delivering 5G telecommunications from the air. Following rigorous ground tests with BT at their Adastral Park facility, our state-of-the-art antenna took to the skies, heralding a new era in the future of global connectivity. In collaboration with our flight test partner, Britten Norman, and in the presence of industry leaders, government officials, and investors, the anticipation was palpable as Britten Norman’s Defender aircraft, equipped with our bespoke antenna installation, ascended into the clear blue sky for its inaugural test flight.

This exciting milestone underscores the immense potential of SPL’s technology in providing seamless 5G and future 6G infrastructure from the stratosphere – no more lack of connectivity across 15,000km2 for each of SPL’s Stratomast High Altitude Platform in service! Even better, the production version will be powered by clean hydrogen and is emission free.

“The successful flight of our antenna aboard the Defender aircraft is a testament to the dedication, innovation, and hard work of the SPL team,” said Richard Deakin, SPL’s CEO. “This achievement brings us one step closer to our mission of bridging the global communication divide with low-cost high-speed connectivity.”

This landmark flight trial is the culmination of years of meticulous planning, innovation, and teamwork. The success of this mission propels us forward in our quest to deliver robust and reliable telecommunications infrastructure from the stratosphere, ensuring global connectivity even in the most remote areas.

“We are thrilled by the positive reception and enthusiastic support from everyone who witnessed this historic event,” added Kevin Bean, SPL’s Chief Technical Officer. “The future of global communication is within our grasp, and we are committed to making it a reality.”

For more detailed information about our antenna technology and the successful flight trial, visit www.stratosphericplatforms.com and Britten Norman’s press release.

For further inquiries, please contact: info@stratosphericplatforms.com

About Stratospheric Platforms Ltd: Stratospheric Platforms Ltd is at the forefront of revolutionizing telecommunications by delivering 5G and future 6G connectivity from the stratosphere. Our mission is to bridge the global communication gap through innovative, high-altitude technology solutions.

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